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Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 13(1): 24-35, jan.-mar.2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538350


Objetivo: traçar parâmetros para estruturar conceitos da abordagem One Health através dos pensamentos de Alfred North Whitehead, Arthur George Tansley, Amartya Sen e Norberto Bobbio. Metodologia: tratou-se de pesquisa original, com abordagem dedutiva e viés hermenêutico, baseada nos pensamentos selecionados e na orientação de Saúde Única. Resultados: One Health estrutura-se na afirmativa holística e integrada que a saúde humana, animal e ambiental estão interligadas. Sob a perspectiva de Whitehead, a abordagem One Health pode ser considerada um processo dinâmico e relacional, onde humanos, animais e meio ambiente interagem constantemente, interconectando-se por relações e processos, formando um todo. Pela perspectiva de Tansley, a ideia de One Health pode alinhar-se ao conceito de ecossistema, não podendo a saúde ser analisada isoladamente em indivíduos, mas, necessariamente, pelas interações complexas entre seres humanos, animais e o ambiente. Sob o prisma de desenvolvimento (direitos e liberdades), proposto por Sen, a abordagem One Health pode ser considerada um meio para alcançá-lo, através da interrelação de mecanismos, sistemas e instituições focados na promoção da saúde e do bem-estar. Na visão de Bobbio, direitos fundamentais, democracia e a paz, são formas éticas e primordiais para assegurar direitos, especialmente um novo direito da natureza (humanos, animal e ambiente) na busca conjunta de garantias para a convivência pacífica. Conclusão: a abordagem One Health não é apenas uma estratégia prática, mas também uma visão renovada da antiga percepção que reconhecia a interconexão de todas as formas de vida.

Objective: draw parameters to structure concepts of the One Health approach through the thoughts of Alfred North Whitehead, Arthur George Tansley, Amartya Sen, and Norberto Bobbio. Methodology: this was original research, with a deductive approach, hermeneutic bias based on the selected thoughts and the One Health. Results: One Health is structured on the holistic and integrated assertion that human, animal, and environmental health are interconnected. From Whitehead's perspective, the One Health approach can be considered a dynamic and relational process, where humans, animals, and the environment constantly interact, interconnecting through relationships and processes, forming a whole. From Tansley's perspective, the idea of One Health can align with the ecosystem concept, where health cannot be analyzed in isolation in individuals, but necessarily through the complex interactions between humans, animals, and the environment. From Sen's development prism (rights and freedoms), the One Health approach can be seen to achieve it, through the interrelation of mechanisms, systems, and institutions focused on promoting health and well-being. In Bobbio's view, fundamental rights, democracy, and peace are ethical and primary ways to ensure rights, especially a right of nature (humans, animals, and the environment) in the joint pursuit of guarantees for peaceful coexistence. Conclusion: the One Health approach is not just a practical strategy, but also a renewed vision of the old perception that recognized the interconnection of all forms of life.

Objetivo: establecer parámetros para estructurar conceptos del enfoque One Health a través de los pensamientos de Alfred North Whitehead, Arthur George Tansley, Amartya Sen y Norberto Bobbio. Metodología: se trató de una investigación original, con un enfoque deductivo, sesgo hermenéutico basado en los pensamientos seleccionados y el Salud Única. Resultados: One Health se estructura en la afirmación holística e integrada de que la salud humana, animal y ambiental están interconectadas. Desde la perspectiva de Whitehead, el enfoque One Health puede considerarse un proceso dinámico y relacional, donde humanos, animales y el medio ambiente interactúan constantemente, interconectándose a través de relaciones y procesos, formando un todo. Desde la perspectiva de Tansley, la idea de One Health puede alinearse con el concepto de ecosistema, donde la salud no puede analizarse aisladamente en individuos, sino necesariamente a través de interacciones complejas entre seres humanos, animales y el ambiente. Desde el prisma del desarrollo (derechos y libertades) propuesto por Sen, el enfoque One Health puede considerarse un medio para alcanzarlo, a través de la interrelación de mecanismos, sistemas e instituciones enfocados en la promoción de la salud y el bienestar. Desde la visión de Bobbio, los derechos fundamentales, la democracia y la paz son formas éticas y primordiales para asegurar derechos, especialmente un derecho de la naturaleza (humanos, animales y ambiente) en la búsqueda conjunta de garantías para la convivencia pacífica. Conclusión: el enfoque One Health no es solo una estrategia práctica, sino también una visión renovada de la antigua percepción que reconocía la interconexión de todas las formas de vida.

Health Law
Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 28: e230084, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534631


Com o objetivo de compreender o desenvolvimento da integração ensino-serviço-comunidade (Iesc) no município de Bragança Paulista, São Paulo, por meio do Contrato Organizativo de Ação Pública Ensino-Saúde (Coapes), realizou-se um estudo de caso. Uma amostra intencional com dez integrantes do Comitê Gestor Local que participaram de entrevistas semiestruturadas, em ambiente virtual, gravadas e transcritas na íntegra. Os relatos passaram por análise de conteúdo na modalidade temática e os resultados indicaram que a condução da Iesc e do Coapes foi bem-sucedida. A sustentabilidade e os êxitos da contratualização estão relacionados a estratégias, como aproximação, diálogo institucional, igualdade de valor e transparência, provenientes de discussões técnicas, compreensão do processo, escolha do formato, sensibilização e engajamento dos atores. A combinação desses elementos, aliada a novos projetos e atitudes, aponta caminhos para a consolidação da Iesc no território, que apresenta desafios a serem superados.

Con el objetivo de comprender el desarrollo de la integración enseñanza-servicio-comunidad (IESC) en el municipio de Braganza Paulista (Estado de São Paulo), a partir del Contrato Organizativo de Acción Pública Enseñanza-Salud (Coapes), se realizó un estudio de caso. Una muestra intencional con diez integrantes del Comité Gestor Local participó en entrevistas semiestructuradas, realizadas en ambiente virtual, grabadas y transcritas integralmente. Los relatos pasaron por un análisis de contenido en la modalidad temática. Los resultados indicaron que la conducción de la IESC y del Coapes fue exitosa. La sostenibilidad y los éxitos de la contractualización están relacionados con estrategias tales como la aproximación, el diálogo institucional, la igualdad de valor y transparencia, provenientes de discusiones técnicas, comprensión del proceso, elección del formato, sensibilización y compromiso de los actores. La combinación de esos elementos, aliada a nuevos proyectos y actitudes, señala caminos para la consolidación de la IESC en el territorio que presenta desafíos que hay que superar.

To comprehend the evolution of education-service-community integration (ESCI) in the municipality of Bragança Paulista, SP, through the Teaching-Health Public Action Organizational Contract (Coapes), a case study was conducted. An intentional sample of ten members from the Local Management Committee participated in semi-structured interviews, conducted virtually, recorded, and transcribed in full. The narratives underwent thematic content analysis. The results indicated that the implementation of IESC and Coapes was successful. The sustainability and achievements in contractualization are related to strategies such as approaching, institutional dialogue, equal value, and transparency, resulting from technical discussions, understanding of the process, format selection, sensitization, and actor engagement. The combination of these elements, along with new projects and attitudes, points towards the consolidation of IESC in the territory, which presents challenges to be overcome.

Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 73(4): 297-312, dic. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1537488


Introduction. The legal declarations on functional foods of the four main economic integration organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) ­ Pacific Alliance (PA), Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) and Central American Integration System (SICA) - are based on the Codex Alimentarius system and do not regulate functional foods. The use of Codex in food marketing is an insufficient condition for its application in functional foods. Regulation based on scientific and technology results are required to be used in the economic integration organizations of LAC. Objective. The objective is to analyze the theoretical framework of the legal foundations that could govern the commercialization processes of functional foods, whose research advances have currently only been manifested in nutritional health. This article also seeks to address this gap through a systematic analysis of international regulations. Materials and methods. For this, a review of the literature emanating from two databases from 2018-2023 is carried by applying the legal-economic research method of documentary content analysis, applied to three general food marketing regulations: food safety declarations, regulations for inspections, food manufacturing and food labeling. Results. The results reveal the absence of specific legislation for functional foods in LAC economic integration organizations. Conclusions. The legal principle of marketing based on peremptory norm (also called jus cogens) can be facilitated through side letters, included in the contents of international contracts. along with the registration requirements of industrial property rights of the member countries associations(AU)

Introducción. Las declaraciones legales sobre alimentos funcionales de las cuatro principales organizaciones de integración económica de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) ­ Alianza del Pacífico (AP), Comunidad del Caribe (CARICOM), Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR) y Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (SICA) - se basan en el sistema del Codex Alimentarius y no regulan los alimentos funcionales. El uso del Codex en la comercialización de alimentos es condición insuficiente para su aplicación en alimentos funcionales. Se requiere que las regulaciones basadas en resultados científicos y tecnológicos sean utilizadas en los organismos de integración económica de ALC. Objetivo. Analizar el marco teórico de los fundamentos legales que podrían regir los procesos de comercialización de alimentos funcionales, cuyos avances en investigación actualmente solo se han manifestado en salud nutricional. Este artículo también busca abordar esta brecha a través de un análisis sistemático de las regulaciones internacionales. Materiales y métodos. Se realiza una revisión de la literatura emanada de dos bases de datos del período 2018-2023 aplicando el método de investigación jurídico- económica de análisis de contenido documental, aplicado a tres normas generales de comercialización de alimentos: declaraciones de seguridad alimentaria, normas para inspecciones, fabricación de alimentos y etiquetado de alimentos. Resultados. Los resultados revelan la ausencia de legislación específica para alimentos funcionales en las asociaciones comerciales de ALC. Conclusiones. El principio jurídico de comercialización basado en norma imperativa (también llamado jus cogens) puede facilitarse a través de cartas complementarias, incluidas en el contenido de los contratos internacionales. junto con los requisitos de registro de los derechos de propiedad industrial de las asociaciones de los países miembros(AU)

Functional Food , Edible Grain
Humanidad. med ; 23(2)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448430


El objetivo de la investigación fue valorar el proceso de integración de contenidos desde la disciplina Diagnóstico Integral de Laboratorio en la carrera de Bioanálisis Clínico desde una perspectiva social de la ciencia y la tecnología. De los métodos empíricos fueron utilizados la revisión documental y el análisis de documentos, así como la caracterización del estado actual del desarrollo de la técnica lámina periférica por los docentes y estudiantes del tercer año, en la que se identificaron insuficiencias que influyen en la preparación de este futuro profesional. A partir de la valoración realizada se argumentó la necesidad de elaborar una estrategia didáctica para la integración de los contenidos en la carrera de Bioanálisis Clínico lo que contribuirá a la preparación de los estudiantes y profesores.

The objective of the research was to assess the process of integration of contents from the Comprehensive Laboratory Diagnosis discipline in the Clinical Bioanalysis degree from a social perspective of science and technology. From the empirical methods, the documentary review and the analysis of documents were used, as well as the characterization of the current state of development of the peripheral lamina technique by teachers and students of the third year, in which insufficiencies were identified that influence the preparation of this future professional. Based on the assessment made, the need to develop a didactic strategy for the integration of the contents in the Clinical Bioanalysis career was argued, which will contribute to the preparation of students and teachers.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 7-22, ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448479


Resumen En su proceso de definición y consolidación, las ciencias de la vida se enfrentaron con la dicotomía sobre si la mejor manera de aproximarse a su objeto de estudio era seguir el modelo de la física -considerado el modelo científico por excelencia- o desligarse de este. La manera en la que este debate se decantó en cada disciplina tuvo consecuencias en el desarrollo posterior y en los alcances epistemológicos de las nuevas ciencias en consolidación. La comparación de la manera en la que se dio este debate en la biología y la psicología resulta relevante para entender la trayectoria de estas ciencias y sus posibilidades de integración disciplinar: la biología consiguió la unificación disciplinar integrándose alrededor de la teoría evolutiva, mientras que la psicología no consiguió exitosamente esa integración. Esto fue en parte por el intento de conectarse con las ciencias naturales a través de la fisiología, lo que, además, supuso un obstáculo para la comprensión e integración del principio unificador de la biología.

Abstract During the XIX century, different sciences were structured or consolidated in their modern form. Until then, biology, earth sciences, social sciences, and even physics, chemistry, and mathematics did not exist as autonomous disciplines as we know them today. In that century, the notion of "science" was utterly separated from natural philosophy, theology, and other forms of traditional knowledge. The consolidation of scientific disciplines was characterized by deep debates on the possibilities and methods of knowing the natural and human worlds. In their process of consolidation, all life sciences faced a dichotomy related to the best way to approach their object of study: should they follow the model of physics -considered the scientific model par excellence- or not take that model into account? This dichotomy provoked intense debates in all disciplines. The way this debate was resolved had lasting consequences in the subsequent development and the epistemological scope of the new sciences in consolidation. Comparing how this debate took place in biology and psychology is relevant to understanding the disciplinary trajectory followed by each science and the possibilities of integration in each field of knowledge. There is a generalized assumption in the history of psychology that the experimental paradigm adopted extensively in psychology at the end of the XIX century would have placed the discipline under the scientific status of natural sciences. However, in biology and psychology, there was a tension between a physiological-experimental paradigm and a historical-evolutionary paradigm. Understanding those debates within biology, and the comprehension of how biology achieved its disciplinary integration, shows why the experimental connection of psychology with physiology did not mean an explicit connection with the whole of the natural sciences. Disciplinary integration in biology was possible because of adopting the evolutionary principle under a historic paradigm instead of a physical-chemical one. That is why the experimental connection of psychology with physiology eventually became an obstacle for psychology in adopting the unifying principle of biology, the Theory of Evolution, as their basis for disciplinary integration. The first part of this article describes how two branches emerged in the process of consolidation of biology: physiological-experimental and historical-evolutionary. Each one had a different approach to its object of study, but both were necessary to form what is now modern biology. The second part focuses on unifying biology as a field of scientific knowledge, bringing the two branches of this science together under the evolutionary paradigm. The third part outlines the central debates in the consolidation of psychology as a scientific discipline at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the 20th century. It introduces implications of how these debates on knowledge in psychology developed, as opposed to how it happened in biology. Finally, the difficulties of psychology connecting with the theory of evolution are addressed, as are the impossibility of integrating the different branches of the discipline.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(2): 566-585, julho 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1532680


A prática de esportes é associada à formação acadêmica em diversos países, como forma de promover saúde e desenvolver competências pessoais e sociais. Este estudo buscou compreender como os universitários brasileiros percebem a influência das práticas esportivas no seu processo de integração à universidade e em seu desempenho acadêmico. Participaram 260 universitários, provenientes de um grupo maior de participantes de um estudo quantitativo, realizado online, que também apresentava perguntas abertas. As respostas a essas perguntas foram submetidas a uma análise temática. Os estudantes descrevem diferentes formas como a prática de esportes pode contribuir para a obtenção de uma melhor adaptação e desempenho acadêmico (integração e reconhecimento social, manejo do estresse e aprendizagem de competências transversais). Também foram enumeradas dificuldades para conciliar as atividades acadêmicas e esportivas (falta de tempo, incompatibilidade de calendários, cansaço associado à prática esportiva). A partir desses relatos, conclui-se que ainda são necessárias maiores medidas institucionais que estimulem a prática de esportes no ensino superior e que facilitem a sua conciliação com as atividades acadêmicas.

The practice of sports is associated with academic studies in several countries, as a way to promote health and develop personal and social skills. This study aimed to comprehend how brazilian college students perceive the influence of sports practices on their integration process at university and on their academic performance. Participants were 260 college students, from a larger group of participants in a quantitative online study, which also had open-ended questions. The answers to these questions were subjected to a thematic analysis. Students describe different ways in which sports can contribute to a better academic performance and integration (social integration and recognition, stress management and learning soft skills). Difficulties to concile academic and sports activities (lack of time, schedule incompatibility, fatigue associated with sports practice) were also listed. Based on these reports, it is concluded that greater institutional measures are still needed to encourage the practice of sports in higher education and to facilitate its conciliation with academic activities.

La práctica del deporte está asociada a la formación académica en varios países, como una forma de promover la salud y desarrollar habilidades personales y sociales. Este estudio buscó comprender cómo los universitarios brasileños perciben la influencia de las prácticas deportivas en su proceso de integración universitaria y en su rendimiento académico. Participaron 260 universitarios, provenientes de un grupo más amplio de participantes en un estudio cuantitativo, realizado online, que también tenía preguntas abiertas. Las respuestas a estas preguntas fueron sometidas a un análisis temático. Los estudiantes describen diferentes formas en las que el deporte puede contribuir a una mejor adaptación y rendimiento académico (integración y reconocimiento social, manejo del estrés y aprendizaje de habilidades transversales). También se enumeraron las dificultades para conciliar las actividades académicas y deportivas (falta de tiempo, incompatibilidad de horarios, cansancio asociado al deporte). De estos informes se concluye que aún son necesarias mayores medidas institucionales para fomentar la práctica del deporte en la educación superior y facilitar su conciliación con las actividades académicas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Sports , Students , Universities , Mental Health , Athletes , Brazil , Qualitative Research
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218054


Background: Proper understanding of concepts of physiology forms basis of good clinical practice. To make the lectures in physiology more interesting and understanding, one has to review the teaching methods at regular intervals. Aims and Objectives: This study is designed to get feedback regarding teaching methods in physiology from MBBS students of Government Medical College, Kozhikode, to make teaching more effective. Materials and Methods: Two hundred randomly selected students who successfully completed 1st-year MBBS are included in the study group. The standard questionnaire is shared to study group through Google forms and adequate time is given to record their responses. Descriptive statistics are used. Frequency is expressed in percentage. Results: Most of students prefer interactive teaching methodologies such as group discussion as their preferred mode of learning rather than conventional didactic lectures in whole batch. Students also like to have integration with other subjects and early clinical exposure to understand the concepts precisely. Conclusion: Teaching in small groups with proper integration and alignment with other subjects will make maximum results rather than the traditional teacher centered medical education. Periodic review of teaching methods is very much essential to make the subject more interesting.

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 56(1): 85-102, 20230401.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426770


En la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas egresó en el año 2023 la primera cohorte de médicos formados con el nuevo currículum, implementado desde del 2017 como resultado del Proyecto de Innovación Curricular (PIC) desarrollado en los 5 años previos. La finalidad fue transitar de un currículum tradicional a uno orientado a competencias, integrado, pertinente a las necesidades sanitarias del entorno, incorporando la semestralidad, los créditos académicos y el Rotatorio Clínico preprofesional supervisado. La integración curricular es uno de los referentes más importantes de esta innovación. Se pretende aquí iniciar una narrativa que pase el testimonio histórico de esta transformación y reconozca el compromiso colectivo demostrado con la formación de profesionales médicos de excelencia. Se incluye el marco histórico, las fases del PIC, los criterios curriculares implicados, los equipos humanos participantes, la estructura organizacional para la implementación, el resumen de la evaluación de medio término y el escenario actual, donde de la evaluación de la implementación es fundamental para retroalimentar el proceso y generar la mejora continua.

The Faculty of Medical Sciences graduated in 2023 the first cohort of physicians trained with the new curriculum, implemented since 2017 as a result of the Curricular Innovation Project (CIP) developed in the previous 5 years. The purpose was to transition from a traditional curriculum to one that is competency-oriented, integrated, relevant to the health needs of the environment, incorporating the semester, academic credits and the supervised pre-professional Clinical Rotation. Curricular integration is one of the most important references of this innovation. It is intended here to initiate a narrative that passes the historical testimony of this transformation and recognizes the collective commitment demonstrated with the formation of medical professionals of excellence. It includes the historical framework, the phases of the CIP, the curricular criteria involved, the human teams involved, the organizational structure for the implementation, the summary of the mid-term evaluation and the current scenario, where the evaluation of the implementation is fundamental to feed back the process and generate continuous improvement.

Physicians , History
Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1948-1955, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990432


Objective:To explore the effect of nurse led cooperative integrated nursing model in children with hypospadias, provide reference for the integration of collaborative medical care and patient care, improve the nursing level of nurses and the quality of child care.Methods:By adopting a quasi experimental study method, from January 2020 to December 2021, the clinical data of 84 male children undergoing hypospadias surgery in the Department of Urology, Children ′s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University were retrospectively analyzed, and 84 accompanying staff were included in the study. Among them, 42 children admitted from January to December 2020 and 42 accompanying staff served as the control group, and 42 children admitted from January to December 2021 and 42 accompanying staff served as the intervention group. The control group adopted the routine perioperative nursing mode, and the intervention group adopted the nurse-led collaborative integrated nursing mode. The anxiety and satisfaction of the caregivers in the two groups, the medical fear, medical compliance and postoperative pain of the children in the two groups, and the incidence of postoperative complications of the children in the two groups were compared. Results:After intervention, the satisfaction score of the intervention group ′s accompanying staff and the score of the patient ′s medical compliance were (96.46 ± 3.27) and (2.93 ± 0.89) points. The control group ′s scores were (85.24 ± 5.71) and (1.75 ± 0.63) points. The differences between the two groups were statistically significant ( t=9.52, -8.40, both P<0.05). The anxiety score of the accompanying staff in the intervention group was (44.33 ± 2.43) points, and the medical fear score and postoperative pain score of the patients were (20.76 ± 2.92) and (3.06 ± 0.57) points, respectively. The control group′s scores were (67.11 ± 3.36), (33.58 ± 3.84) and (6.24 ± 0.71) points, respectively. The differences between the two groups were statistically significant ( t=23.47, 12.51, 22.66, all P<0.05). The total incidence of postoperative complications in the intervention group was 4.76% (2/42), while in the control group was 52.38% (22/42). The difference was statistically significant ( χ2=23.33, P<0.05). Conclusions:The nurse led collaborative integrated nursing mode has a positive effect on relieving the negative emotions of caregivers and children, improving the satisfaction of hospitalization, improving the quality of care for children, and reducing the incidence of postoperative complications of children.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1195-1201, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990317


Objective:To systematically integrate qualitative studies of impediments to help-seeking behavior in victims of elder abuse.Methods:A computer search of PubMed, the Cochrane Library, Web of Science, PsyINFO, Scopus, China Biology Medicine disc, China Knowledge Network, Vipshop, and Wanfang was conducted to collect qualitative studies on help-seeking in abused older adults, with search time from establishment of the database to February 2022. The literature was evaluated using the Australian JBI Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care quality assessment criteria, and the results were integrated using the Meta integration method.Results:A total of 9 papers were included, 32 results were extracted and grouped into 9 categories, and 3 integrated results were synthesized including the role of personal factors, the influence of cultural values, and the lack of effective support networks.Conclusions:Seeking help after elder abuse is a complex process influenced by a variety of personal, social and cultural factors. Awareness of seeking help after abuse should be raised, attention should be paid to the physical and mental health of the elderly, and professional assistance and counseling services should be provided.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 794-801, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990255


Objective:To systematically evaluate the quality of continuing care services carried out by nursing staff in China, comprehensively integrate the influencing factors of continuing care services, and provide guidance for promoting the development of continuing care in China.Methods:PubMed, EMbase, Web of Science, the Cochrane Library, CMB, SinoMed, CINAHL, CNKI, Wanfang Data and VIP related qualitative studies were searched from the database establishment to March 2022. The NoteExpress software was used to screen and analyze the literature, the 2017 Australian JBI Evidence-based Health Care Center quality research quality evaluation standard was used to conduct qualitative evaluation of the literature, and the Meta-integration method was adopted to carry out pooled integration. The ConQual approach was used to evaluate the quality of the integrated results.Results:A total of 39 results were extracted from 11 studies. Eleven new categories were summarized and four integrated results were obtained, which were: nurses lack relevant cognitive, motivational and behavioral skills; patients have poor compliance and low trust in medical prescriptions; lack of team management, method guidance and system standards; lack of connection sharing, input supply and upper protection. The total evidential quality of the integration results was intermediate.Conclusions:At present, nurses should strengthen their own ability, pay attention to patient education, enhance the sense of trust between doctors and patients. Managers should pay attention to team building, standardize the service standards and systems. The state should increase input, improve social policy support and legal protection; for the orderly development of continuity of care services escort.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 15-22, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990132


Objective:To construct an intervention program of sports and medical integration for patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation, so as to provide reference for the effective implementation of physical activity behavior change in AMI patients during phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation.Methods:Before the research, we browsed relevant literature and guidelines published from July 2016 to June 2021, made a retrospective study on the influencing factors of cardiac rehabilitation behavior for AMI patients, and carried out a qualitative interview on cognitive and compliance motivations for AMI patients. Furthermore based on trans-theoretical model, the first draft of the intervention program was developed and and the expert consultation questionnaire was formed. From February to April 2022, Delphi method was used in 16 experts from 10 hospitals and 1 nursing college in 4 provinces. After 2 rounds of expert consultations on the importance and operability of items, the intervention program was finally determined.Results:The effective recovery rates of the 2 rounds of expert consultations questionnaires were both 16/16. The authority coefficient of expert consultation was 0.90, the judgment basis coefficient was 0.96, and the familiarity degree was 0.84. After the second round of expert consultation, the coefficient of variation of the importance of each item was (0.0-13.4)%, and the coefficient of variation of operability was (0.0-18.1)%. The final intervention program of sports and medical integration for patients with AMI in phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation had 37 items, containing precontemplation stage (8 items), contemplation stage (7 items), preparation stage (5 items), action stage (9 items) and maintenance stage (8 items).Conclusions:The construction process of the intervention program of sports and medical integration for patients with AMI in phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation is scientific and feasible. The content is focused on the patient-centred conception and the whole-process management for the exercise rehabilitation of AMI patients in phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation. This intervention program may improve the safety, feasibility, participation and compliance in phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation in patients with AMI. So it is recommended to be popularized and used in phase Ⅱ cardiac rehabilitation.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 2283-2286, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988792


OBJECTIVE To build an “integration of drug storage and dispensing” intelligent drug validity management system in outpatient pharmacy, and to evaluate the effect of this system. METHODS The information technology was used to connect the drug information in the primary storage, the intelligent secondary storage and the rapid dispensing machine; an “integration of drug storage and dispensing” intelligent drug validity management system was constructed. At the same time, the implementation effects of drug validity management system in outpatient pharmacy of our hospital were evaluated one year before and after the construction of the system. RESULTS By using information technology, intelligent closed-loop management of batch number and expiration date information throughout the entire process of drug circulation in outpatient pharmacy of our hospital had been achieved, making it easy to track and trace drug information. After the establishment of the intelligent system, the time spent on managing drug validity every month was reduced from 103 people·h to 8 people·h; the number of near-expired drugs per month had decreased from (30.67±1.10)types to (17.67±1.17)types(P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS The intelligent drug validity management system in outpatient pharmacy based on the mode of “integration of drug storage and dispensing” makes the drug validity management in the outpatient pharmacy more scientific, reasonable and efficient.

Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases ; (12): 883-888, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988515


Objective@#Evaluate the effect of an integrated teaching model of oral preclinical practice based on endodontic-restorative sequential treatment to provide a reference for the exploration of the teaching mode of the stomatology specialty. @* Methods @#This retrospective study was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee. The study was divided into 2 groups. There were 450 2018-grade and 2019-grade students in the discipline integration teaching method (DIT) group, and a preclinical practice course (root canal therapy and fixed prosthetic treatments were integrated into an endodontic-restorative sequential treatment) using the DIT method was applied. There were 443 2016-grade and 2017-grade students in the traditional teaching method (TT) group, and a TT preclinical practice course (root canal therapy and fixed prosthetic treatments training courses were taught separately) was applied. Both groups were taught by the same two teachers. The scores of clinical skills examination and treatment planning were compared between the two groups. In addition, students in the two groups were asked to complete the questionnaires about the teaching methods, and students in Group DIT and their teachers were asked to complete the questionnaires on their degree of satisfaction with the DIT method in the preclinical course. @*Results @# Students in the DIT group had an average score of 90.2 ± 4.16 in the practical skill evaluation, which was higher than that of the TT group (86.3±3.57) (P = 0.001). In the case analysis, 91.8% (413/450) of the students in the DIT group successfully planned the treatment, compared to a significantly lower rate in the TT group of 74.7% (331/443) (P = 0.001). The questionnaire results showed that recognition degrees of cultivated clinical thinking, improved indication analysis ability, improved operational skills, stimulated enthusiasm for learning, and improved autonomous learning were higher in the DIT group than in the TT group, and both teachers (2/2) and 98.4% (443/450) of students recognized the DIT method. @*Conclusions@#The DIT method significantly improved students’ learning quality and ability, proved effective in the endodontic-restorative sequential treatment practice course and was more acceptable to teachers and students. The DIT method is more effective than the TT method in improving students’ clinical thinking and operation ability.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 271-274, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965497


Objective @#To investigate the effect of aluminum exposure on expression of miR-497-5p, wingless murine breast cancer virus integration site family member 3a (Wnt3a), β-catenin protein, glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) protein and tau protein in rat adrenal pheochromocytoma PC12 cells, so as to provide insight into unraveling the mechanisms underlying aluminum exposure-induced abnormal phosphorylation of tau protein.@* Methods@# PC12 cells were exposed to Al(mal)3 at concentrations of 0, 100, 200, 400 μmol/L for 24 h. The viability of PC12 cells was measured using cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8) assay. The relative expression of miR-497-5p and Wnt3a was detected using a real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) assay, and the expression of Wnt3a, β-catenin, GSK-3β, P-GSK-3β (Ser9), tau and p-tau (Ser396) proteins were determined using Western blotting. @*Results @#The viability of PC12 cells appeared a tendency towards a decline with the increase of aluminum dose (Ftrend=323.473, P=0.001). RT-qPCR assay detected that the relative miR-497-5p expression appeared a tendency towards a rise with the increase of aluminum dose (Ftrend=14.888, P=0.031), and the relative Wnt3a expression appeared a tendency towards a decline with the increase of aluminum dose (Ftrend=165.934, P<0.001). The miR-497-5p expression negatively correlated with the relative Wnt3a expression (r=-0.693, P=0.012). The expression of Wnt3a (Ftrend=357.656, P=0.001), β-catenin (Ftrend=208.750, P=0.001) and p-GSK-3β (Ser9) proteins (Ftrend=512.583, P<0.001) appeared a tendency towards a decline with the increase of aluminum dose, and the expression of GSK-3β (Ftrend=39.965, P<0.001), tau (Ftrend=277.929, P=0.006) and p-tau (Ser396) proteins (Ftrend=96.247, P=0.002) appeared a tendency towards a rise with the increase of aluminum dose. @*Conclusion@# Up-regulation of miR-497-5p and GSK-3β expression and down-regulation of Wnt3a and β-catenin expression may be a mechanism underlying aluminum exposure-induced abnormal phosphorylation of tau protein.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 49-57, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960907


ObjectiveTo explore the "efficacy-toxicity" association mechanisms of Tripterygium wilfordii polyglycoside tablets (TWPT) by establishing and analyzing an interaction network associated with the clinical efficacy of TWPT in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and TWPT-induced liver injury. MethodOn the basis of the TWPT efficacy-related gene expression profile and TWPT-induced liver injury-related protein expression profile which were both obtained from our clinical cohorts, the "efficacy-toxicity" association network of TWPT was constructed, and the key network targets were identified by calculating the topological values of the nodes, including the degree, closeness and betweenness. After that, the biological functions and pathways of the key network targets were investigated by enrichment analysis. ResultA total of 119 differentially expressed genes (58 up-regulated and 61 down-regulated) between RA patients with TWPT well and weak response were identified as TWPT efficacy-related genes by clinical transcriptomics, and 49 differentially expressed proteins (36 up-regulated and 13 down-regulated) were demonstrated to be TWPT-induced liver injury-related proteins by clinical proteomics. In addition, the clinical symptom enrichment analysis indicated that the TWPT efficacy-related genes were significantly associated with various clinical symptoms of arthralgia in traditional Chinese medicine and clinical phenotypes of modern medicine, and most of the TWPT-induced liver injury-related proteins were involved in digestive system abnormalities. Therefore, the aforementioned multi-omics data represented the main clinical symptoms of TWPT treating RA and inducing liver injury. Mechanically, the "efficacy-toxicity" association network revealed that both TWPT efficacy-related genes and TWPT-induced liver injury-related core proteins were involved in the "immune-inflammatory" imbalance, especially playing an important role in neutrophil degranulation, complement cascade reaction, and immune-inflammatory response mediated by protein post-translational modification. Notably, the above genes and proteins were also enriched in various signaling pathways related to cell proliferation and cell cycle regulation, such as RAS and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway, and in several liver functional processes, such as glycogen metabolism and redox reaction. ConclusionThis study systematically explained the "efficacy-toxicity" association characteristics and molecular mechanisms of TWPT by applying a research strategy integrating clinical phenomics, transcriptomics and proteomics, laying a good data foundation for exploring the "efficacy enhancing and toxicity-reducing" mechanisms of TWPT.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 193-199, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981854


Talent is one of the basic and strategic supports for building a modern socialist country in all aspects. Since the 1980s, the establishment of forensic medicine major and the cultivation of innovative talents in forensic medicine have become hot topics in higher education in forensic medicine. Over the past 43 years, the forensic medicine team of Shanxi Medical University has adhered to the joint education of public security and colleges, and made collaborative innovation, forming a training mode of "One Combination, Two Highlights, Three Combinations, Four in One" for innovative talents in forensic medicine. It has carried out "5+3/X" integrated reform, and formed a relatively complete talent training innovation mode and management system in teaching, scientific research, identification, major, discipline, team, platform and cultural construction. It has made a historic contribution to China's higher forensic education, accumulated valuable experience for the construction of first-class major and first-class discipline of forensic medicine, and provided strong support for the construction of the national new forensic talent training system. The popularization of this training mode is conducive to the rapid and sustainable development of forensic science, and provides more excellent forensic talents for national building, regional social development and the discipline construction of forensic science.

Humans , Forensic Medicine/education , Aptitude
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 3162-3168, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981452


The pharmaceutical manufacturing model is gradually changing from intermittent manufacturing to continuous manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing. This paper briefly reviewed the supervision and research progress in continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing in China and abroad and described the definition and advantages of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing. The continuous manufacturing of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) at the current stage was summarized in the following three terms: the enhancement of the continuity of intermittent manufacturing operations, the integration of continuous equipment to improve physical continuity between units, and the application of advanced process control strategies to improve process continuity. To achieve continuous manufacturing of TCM, the corresponding key technologies, such as material property characterization, process modeling and simulation, process analysis technology, and system integration, were analyzed from the process and equipment, respectively. It was proposed that the continuous manufacturing equipment system should have the characteristics of high speed, high response, and high reliability, "three high(H~3)" for short. Considering the characteristics and current situation of TCM manufacturing, based on the two dimensions of product quality control and production efficiency, a maturity assessment model for continuous manufacturing of TCM, consisting of operation continuity, equipment continuity, process continuity, and quality control continuity, was proposed to provide references for the application of continuous manufacturing technology for TCM. The implementation of continuous manufacturing or the application of key continuous manufacturing technologies in TCM can help to systematically integrate advanced pharmaceutical technology elements and promote the uniformity of TCM quality and the improvement of production efficiency.

Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Reproducibility of Results , China , Quality Control , Pharmaceutical Preparations
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 842-857, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970409


The modern bio-fermentation industry requires design and creation of efficient microbial cell factories for directed conversion of raw materials to target products. The main criteria for assessing the performance of microbial cell factories are their product synthesis capacity and stability. Due to the deficiencies of plasmids in gene expression such as instability and being easy to lose, integration of genes into chromosome is often a better choice for stable expression in microbial hosts. To this end, chromosomal gene integration technology has received much attention and has developed rapidly. In this review, we summarize the recent research progresses of chromosomal integration of large DNA fragments in microorganisms, illustrate the principles and features of various technologies, highlight the opportunity brought by the CRISPR-associated transposon systems, and prospect future research direction of this technology.

Chromosomes , Plasmids , DNA , Cloning, Molecular , Fermentation
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 780-789, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970407


Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are the cornerstone courses of talent training in the field of life science. Taking these course as an example, this study explored reconstructing the knowledge framework, developing teaching cases, sharing teaching resources, innovating teaching means and establishing ideological education patterns. Supported by the scientific research achievements with discipline characteristics and online teaching platform, this research explored and practiced an integrated curriculum reform mode. This mode is guided by scientific research and education, based on the course development, and driven by communication and cooperation. A shared space of "exchange, practice, openness and informatization" was developed to achieve free and independent integration of undergraduate and graduate teaching motivated by learning knowledge, resulting in an effective student training.

Humans , Curriculum , Students , Learning , Molecular Biology/education , Biochemistry/education